Wednesday, June 18, 2008

first day - Italian school exam (Esami di Stato)

ok. I would say: let's start!
Today there was the written test (for Italian topic). So I met all students who I have to evaluate later. The guys are nice, quite quiet, well educated. So not bad experience today.

By the way, my colleagues are... don't know how to tell that.
The President is too oldish. I feel the contrast of a new teacher generation (mine) against his generation.
Fortunately I feel that now teaching goes in a righter direction. This is a good thing.

But, you know, when he said: we have to treat well this guys 'cause they are Prof. Pinco Pallino's students...
WHAT???? So, you mean that there's a category of students that can be treated not in a good way and another category with who you have to behave well?!?
I didn't tell him that. As I knew he didn't want to properly mean that.
Anyway, this is an example of new and old generation contrast.
The approach is completely different, this is my opinion.

Another example is when he wanted to say something nice for us (his collaborators) but... he just said: This guys are here for a "tozzo di pane" (literally it means "piece of bread", in a negative sense, referring to who couldn't arrange sufficient food to eat).
That time a colleague of mine exploded saying: actually, I'm here because it's my job, my duty!

For the time being... I close here this story.
Tomorrow it'll follow...

Closing sentence:
culture and laugh: base of life

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